3. Folders#

The rivt folder structure is designed to produce reports and open source templates. A starting folder structure can be copied from an existing project, or generated from the command line with:

python -m rivtfolders

An example folder structure is shown below. rivt implements a file and folder structure to simplify file sharing and control. Each rivt file (and doc) is idenfiifed by a unique rivt file prefix with the form rivddss-filename where dd is a two digit division number and ss is a two digit subdivision number e.g., riv0203-loads.py is the third subdivision of division two. Editing the rivt number also changes the report organization.

rivt input files are organized in numbered divisions. Output files (docs) are written to the docs folder. rivt reports are collections of docs and are also written to the docs folder. Doc files may be published as text, latex pdf, text pdf or HTML documents. The privacy level of document inputs may be set at the file or section level. A separate osdocs (open source docs) folder is used to write the subset of file inputs intended for open sharing on GitHub (or other version control systems).

Each rivt file is identified with a document prefix of the form rddnn-filename where dd is a two digit division number and nn is a two digit subdivision or file number e.g., riv0203-loads.py is the third subdivision (doc file) of division two. rivt files are processed and published in document order. Editing the rivt number will change the report organization. rivt resource files (images, tables etc.) are stored in the sub-folders insdd, valdd and tools. The folder names correspond to the associated function API. rivt reports are collections of docs.

Report and document titles are taken from folder and file names unless overridden in the rivt-config file. An example folder structure is shown below where fixed file names or prefixes are shown in [ ].

rivt folders#

    ├── [d01]-div-label/                (division 1 files)
        ├── [ins01]/                    (insert files)
            ├── fig1.png
            └── attach1.pdf
        └── [val01]/                    (values files)
            └── val0101.csv
        ├── r0101-label1.py             (rivt file)
        └── r0102-label2.py             (rivt file)
    ├── [d02]-div-label/                (division 2 files)
        ├── [ins01]/
            ├── data1.csv
            └── standards.txt
        └── r0201-label3.py             (rivt file)
    ├── [docs]/                    (document output)
        ├── xpdf/
            ├── rivt0101-label1.pdf
            ├── rivt0102-label2.pdf
            ├── rivt201-label3.pdf
            └── Report-Label.pdf
        ├── lpdf/
            ├── rivt0101-label1.pdf
            ├── rivt0102-label2.pdf
            ├── rivt201-label3.pdf
            └── Report-Label.pdf
        ├── text/
            ├── rivt0101-label1.txt
            ├── rivt0102-label2.txt
            └── rivt0201-label3.txt
        ├── html/
            ├── rivt0101-label1.html
            ├── rivt0102-label2.html
            └── rivt0201-label3.html
        ├── temp/
            └── d0201-label3.tex
    ├── [tools]/                        (function and shell files)
        ├── func1.py
        └── sap.cmd
        └── func2.py
    ├── [rivt-config.ini]               (config file)
    ├── cover-page.pdf                  (report cover page)
    └── README.txt                      (text report - GitHub searchable)