2. Install#
rivtzip is a collection of three zip files that installs the rivt framework in a portable folder or usb drive. It is available for every OS platform. rivt also runs in the cloud and on mobile devices using GitHub CodeSpaces or other cloud service providers.
VSCode Profiles#
The rivt VSCode profile includes shortcuts for common editing functions and snippets for API functions and commands.
Extensions |
description |
— |
tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle |
format button |
gsppvo.vscode-commandbar |
command buttons |
AdamAnand.adamstool |
command buttons |
nanlei.save-all |
save all button |
Ho-Wan.setting-toggle |
toggle settings |
yasukotelin.toggle-panel |
toggle panel |
fabiospampinato.vscode-commands |
user command buttons |
jerrygoyal.shortcut-menu-bar |
menu bar |
— |
henryclayton.context-menu-toggle-comments |
toggle comments |
TroelsDamgaard.reflow-paragraph |
wrap paragraph |
streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker |
spell check |
jmviz.quote-list |
quote elements in a list |
njpwerner.autodocstring |
insert doc string |
oijaz.unicode-latex |
unicode symbols from latex |
jsynowiec.vscode-insertdatestring |
insert date string |
janisdd.vscode-edit-csv |
csv editor |
— |
GrapeCity.gc-excelviewer |
excel viewer |
SimonSiefke.svg-preview |
svg viewer |
tomoki1207.pdf |
pdf viewer |
RandomFractalsInc.vscode-data-preview |
data viewing tools |
Fr43nk.seito-openfile |
open file from path |
vikyd.vscode-fold-level |
line folding tool |
file-icons.file-icons |
icon library |
tintinweb.vscode-inline-bookmarks |
inline bookmarks |
— |
alefragnani.project-manager |
folder, project management |
Anjali.clipboard-history |
clipboard history |
dionmunk.vscode-notes |
notepad |
hbenl.vscode-test-explorer |
test explorer |
mightycoco.fsdeploy |
save file to second location |
lyzerk.linecounter |
count lines in files |
sandcastle.vscode-open |
open files in default app |
zjffun.snippetsmanager |
snippet manager |
spmeesseman.vscode-taskexplorer |
task explorer |
— |
GitHub.codespaces |
run files in codespaces |
GitHub.remotehub |
run remote files |
ettoreciprian.vscode-websearch |
search github within VSCode |
donjayamanne.githistory |
git history |
MichaelCurrin.auto-commit-msg |
git auto commit message |
github.vscode-github-actions |
github actions |
GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github |
github pull request |
k9982874.github-gist-explorer |
gist explorer |
vsls-contrib.gistfs |
gist tools |
— |
ms-python.autopep8 |
python pep8 formatting |
ms-python.isort |
python sort imports |
donjayamanne.python-environment-manager |
python library list |
ms-python.python |
python tools |
ms-python.vscode-pylance |
python language server |
ms-toolsai.jupyter |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow |
jupyter tools |
— |
qwtel.sqlite-viewer |
sqlite tools |
RDebugger.r-debugger |
R tools |
REditorSupport.r |
R tools |
ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl |
windows linux tools |
James-Yu.latex-workshop |
latex tools |
lextudio.restructuredtext |
restructured text tools |
trond-snekvik.simple-rst |
restructured syntax |
yzane.markdown-pdf |
markdown to pdf |
yzhang.markdown-all-in-one |
markdown tools |
Snippets/Keys |
description |
run |
API Run function |
ins |
API Insert function |
val |
API Values function |
too |
API Tools function |
wri |
API Write function |
alt+q |
rewrap paragraph with hard line feeds (80 default) |
alt+p |
open file under cursor |
alt+. |
select correct spelling under cursor |
alt+8 |
insert date |
alt+9 |
insert time |
ctl+1 |
focus on first editor |
ctl+2 |
focus on next editor |
ctl+3 |
focus on previous editor |
ctl+8 |
focus on explorer pane |
ctl+9 |
focus on github pane |
ctl+alt+x |
reload window |
ctl+alt+[ |
reload window |
ctl+alt+] |
unfold all code |
ctl+alt+u |
unfold all code |
ctl+alt+f |
fold code level 2 (rivt sections visible) |
ctl+alt+a |
fold code - all levels |
ctl+alt+t |
toggle local fold |
ctl+alt+e |
toggle explorer sort order |
ctl+alt+s |
toggle spell check |
ctl+alt+g |
next editor group |
ctl+shift+u |
open URL under cursor in browser |
ctl+shift+s |
open GitHub README search for rivt |
ctl+shift+a |
commit all |
ctl+shift+z |
commit the current editor |
ctl+shift+x |
post to remote |
Keystroke |
Description |
alt+q |
rewrap paragraph with hard line feeds (80 default) |
alt+p |
open file under cursor |
alt+. |
select correct spelling under cursor |
alt+8 |
insert date |
alt+9 |
insert time |
ctl+1 |
focus on first editor |
ctl+2 |
focus on next editor |
ctl+3 |
focus on previous editor |
ctl+8 |
focus on explorer pane |
ctl+9 |
focus on github pane |
ctl+alt+x |
reload window |
ctl+alt+u |
unfold all code |
ctl+alt+f |
fold code level 2 (rivt sections visible) |
ctl+alt+a |
fold code - all levels |
ctl+alt+t |
toggle local fold |
ctl+alt+e |
toggle explorer sort order |
ctl+alt+s |
toggle spell check |
ctl+alt+g |
next editor group |
ctl+shift+u |
open URL under cursor in browser |
ctl+shift+s |
open GitHub rivt README search |
ctl+shift+a |
commit all |
ctl+shift+z |
commit current editor |
ctl+shift+x |
post to remote |
Snippets/Keys |
description |
run |
API Run function |
ins |
API Insert function |
val |
API Values function |
too |
API Tools function |
wri |
API Write function |
alt+q |
rewrap paragraph with hard line feeds (80 default) |
alt+p |
open file under cursor |
alt+. |
select correct spelling under cursor |
alt+8 |
insert date |
alt+9 |
insert time |
ctl+1 |
focus on first editor |
ctl+2 |
focus on next editor |
ctl+3 |
focus on previous editor |
ctl+8 |
focus on explorer pane |
ctl+9 |
focus on github pane |
ctl+alt+x |
reload window |
ctl+alt+[ |
reload window |
ctl+alt+] |
unfold all code |
ctl+alt+u |
unfold all code |
ctl+alt+f |
fold code level 2 (rivt sections visible) |
ctl+alt+a |
fold code - all levels |
ctl+alt+t |
toggle local fold |
ctl+alt+e |
toggle explorer sort order |
ctl+alt+s |
toggle spell check |
ctl+alt+g |
next editor group |
ctl+shift+u |
open URL under cursor in browser |
ctl+shift+s |
open GitHub README search for rivt |
ctl+shift+a |
commit all |
ctl+shift+z |
commit the current editor |
ctl+shift+x |
post to remote |
Extensions |
description |
. |
tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle |
format button |
gsppvo.vscode-commandbar |
command buttons |
AdamAnand.adamstool |
command buttons |
nanlei.save-all |
save all button |
Ho-Wan.setting-toggle |
toggle settings |
yasukotelin.toggle-panel |
toggle panel |
fabiospampinato.vscode-commands |
user command buttons |
jerrygoyal.shortcut-menu-bar |
menu bar |
. |
henryclayton.context-menu-toggle-comments |
toggle comments |
TroelsDamgaard.reflow-paragraph |
wrap paragraph |
streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker |
spell check |
jmviz.quote-list |
quote elements in a list |
njpwerner.autodocstring |
insert doc string |
oijaz.unicode-latex |
unicode symbols from latex |
jsynowiec.vscode-insertdatestring |
insert date string |
janisdd.vscode-edit-csv |
csv editor |
. |
GrapeCity.gc-excelviewer |
excel viewer |
SimonSiefke.svg-preview |
svg viewer |
tomoki1207.pdf |
pdf viewer |
RandomFractalsInc.vscode-data-preview |
data viewing tools |
Fr43nk.seito-openfile |
open file from path |
vikyd.vscode-fold-level |
line folding tool |
file-icons.file-icons |
icon library |
tintinweb.vscode-inline-bookmarks |
inline bookmarks |
. |
alefragnani.project-manager |
folder, project management |
Anjali.clipboard-history |
clipboard history |
dionmunk.vscode-notes |
notepad |
hbenl.vscode-test-explorer |
test explorer |
mightycoco.fsdeploy |
save file to second location |
lyzerk.linecounter |
count lines in files |
sandcastle.vscode-open |
open files in default app |
zjffun.snippetsmanager |
snippet manager |
spmeesseman.vscode-taskexplorer |
task explorer |
. |
GitHub.codespaces |
run files in codespaces |
GitHub.remotehub |
run remote files |
ettoreciprian.vscode-websearch |
search github within VSCode |
donjayamanne.githistory |
git history |
MichaelCurrin.auto-commit-msg |
git auto commit message |
github.vscode-github-actions |
github actions |
GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github |
github pull request |
k9982874.github-gist-explorer |
gist explorer |
vsls-contrib.gistfs |
gist tools |
. |
ms-python.autopep8 |
python pep8 formatting |
ms-python.isort |
python sort imports |
donjayamanne.python-environment-manager |
python library list |
ms-python.python |
python tools |
ms-python.vscode-pylance |
python language server |
ms-toolsai.jupyter |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow |
jupyter tools |
. |
qwtel.sqlite-viewer |
sqlite tools |
RDebugger.r-debugger |
R tools |
REditorSupport.r |
R tools |
ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl |
windows linux tools |
James-Yu.latex-workshop |
latex tools |
lextudio.restructuredtext |
restructured text tools |
trond-snekvik.simple-rst |
restructured syntax |
yzane.markdown-pdf |
markdown to pdf |
yzhang.markdown-all-in-one |
markdown tools |