VSCode ====== VSCode profile ============== ============================================================== Snippets/Keys description ============== ============================================================== run API Run function ins API Insert function val API Values function too API Tools function wri API Write function alt+q rewrap paragraph with hard line feeds (80 default) alt+p open file under cursor alt+. select correct spelling under cursor alt+8 insert date alt+9 insert time ctl+1 focus on first editor ctl+2 focus on next editor ctl+3 focus on previous editor ctl+8 focus on explorer pane ctl+9 focus on github pane ctl+alt+x reload window ctl+alt+[ reload window ctl+alt+] unfold all code ctl+alt+u unfold all code ctl+alt+f fold code level 2 (rivt sections visible) ctl+alt+a fold code - all levels ctl+alt+t toggle local fold ctl+alt+e toggle explorer sort order ctl+alt+s toggle spell check ctl+alt+g next editor group ctl+shift+u open URL under cursor in browser ctl+shift+s open GitHub README search for rivt ctl+shift+a commit all ctl+shift+z commit the current editor ctl+shift+x post to remote ============== ============================================================== ============================================== =============================== Extensions description ============================================== =============================== BUTTONS . tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle format button gsppvo.vscode-commandbar command buttons AdamAnand.adamstool command buttons nanlei.save-all save all button Ho-Wan.setting-toggle toggle settings yasukotelin.toggle-panel toggle panel fabiospampinato.vscode-commands user command buttons jerrygoyal.shortcut-menu-bar menu bar EDITING . henryclayton.context-menu-toggle-comments toggle comments TroelsDamgaard.reflow-paragraph wrap paragraph streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker spell check jmviz.quote-list quote elements in a list njpwerner.autodocstring insert doc string oijaz.unicode-latex unicode symbols from latex jsynowiec.vscode-insertdatestring insert date string janisdd.vscode-edit-csv csv editor VIEWS . GrapeCity.gc-excelviewer excel viewer SimonSiefke.svg-preview svg viewer tomoki1207.pdf pdf viewer RandomFractalsInc.vscode-data-preview data viewing tools Fr43nk.seito-openfile open file from path vikyd.vscode-fold-level line folding tool file-icons.file-icons icon library tintinweb.vscode-inline-bookmarks inline bookmarks MANAGEMENT . alefragnani.project-manager folder, project management Anjali.clipboard-history clipboard history dionmunk.vscode-notes notepad hbenl.vscode-test-explorer test explorer mightycoco.fsdeploy save file to second location lyzerk.linecounter count lines in files sandcastle.vscode-open open files in default app zjffun.snippetsmanager snippet manager spmeesseman.vscode-taskexplorer task explorer GITHUB . GitHub.codespaces run files in codespaces GitHub.remotehub run remote files ettoreciprian.vscode-websearch search github within VSCode donjayamanne.githistory git history MichaelCurrin.auto-commit-msg git auto commit message github.vscode-github-actions github actions GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github github pull request k9982874.github-gist-explorer gist explorer vsls-contrib.gistfs gist tools PYTHON . ms-python.autopep8 python pep8 formatting ms-python.isort python sort imports donjayamanne.python-environment-manager python library list ms-python.python python tools ms-python.vscode-pylance python language server ms-toolsai.jupyter jupyter tools ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap jupyter tools ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers jupyter tools ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags jupyter tools ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow jupyter tools LANGUAGES . qwtel.sqlite-viewer sqlite tools RDebugger.r-debugger R tools REditorSupport.r R tools ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl windows linux tools James-Yu.latex-workshop latex tools lextudio.restructuredtext restructured text tools trond-snekvik.simple-rst restructured syntax yzane.markdown-pdf markdown to pdf yzhang.markdown-all-in-one markdown tools ============================================== ===============================