A rivt file is a Python file (utf-8 ) with the import statement
import rivtlib.rivtapi as rv
which provides four primary API functions and formatting commands and tags. The API functions take a triple quoted string as the argument.
When running in an IDE (e.g. VSCode) the file may be executed interactively. Interactive output is formatted as utf-8 text for speed and compatiblility. API functions may be grouped and executed step-wise using the standard cell decorator # %%. Document and report files are generated by the functions rv.write_public() and rv.write_private() which output files in GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) and PDF.
{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - API
repository and report settings
static text, images and tables
Python functions and scripts
Each API function defines a document section. The first line of each function includes a section label that becomes a section title, followed by formatting parameters. New sections may be suppressed by prepending a double hyphen to the label.
The section body can contain any utf-8 text. Commands and tags applicable to each function are defined [here](#commands) and [here](#tags).
The API function names start in column one. All other content is indented 4 spaces to facilitate section folding, bookmarking and legibility. API functions can be written in any order and frequency except for rivtinit, which occurs only once as the initial function in the file. A rivt file is a Python file that follows pep8 and ruff conventions.
rivt markup uses a syntax of commands for file operations and tags for text formatting. Any text not defined with commands or tags is passed through as output. Commands and tags are processed in part by the docutils library and [restructuredText](https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/rst/quickref.html).
Commands read and write external files and are marked by double bars (||) at the beginning of a line. Command parameters are separated by a single bar (|). In the summary below parameter options are separated with semi-colons, parameter list elements are separated with commas, and options are in parenthesis.
File locations are specified using shortene, relative paths that include the name of the file and the name of its containing folder. Folder organization is described [here](/organize.md#folders)
{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - command [applicable API] * - || text | relative path | rivt; plain [R I V] * - The text command inserts and formats plain text files or files with rivt tags. * - || append | relative path | cover.pdf [R] * - The append command attaches PDF files to the end of the doc. * - || image | relative path, (2nd path) | width, (width) [I] * - The image command inserts and formats png or jpg files. * - || table | relative path | max col width, align [I] * - The table command inserts and formats tabular data from csv or xls files. * - || declare | relative path | print; noprint [V] * - The declare command imports values from a csv file written by rivt. Used for passing calculation results between documents.
The rivt VSCode profile includes extensions, snippets and shortcuts for common editing functions.
Keystroke |
Description |
alt+q rewrap paragraph with hard line feeds (80 default) alt+p open file under cursor alt+. select correct spelling under cursor alt+8 insert date alt+9 insert time
ctl+1 focus on first editor ctl+2 focus on next editor ctl+3 focus on previous editor ctl+8 focus on explorer pane ctl+9 focus on github pane
ctl+alt+x reload window ctl+alt+u unfold all code ctl+alt+f fold code level 2 (rivt sections visible) ctl+alt+a fold code - all levels ctl+alt+t toggle local fold ctl+alt+e toggle explorer sort order ctl+alt+s toggle spell check ctl+alt+g next editor group
ctl+shift+u open URL under cursor in browser ctl+shift+s open GitHub rivt README search ctl+shift+a commit all ctl+shift+z commit current editor ctl+shift+x post to remote
command snippets#
some text
some text
import rivtlib.rivtapi as rv
rv.R("""Introduction | notoc, 1
The Repo method (short for repository and report) is the first method of a
rivt file which specifies document configuration settings.
The first line of any method is the heading line, which starts a new
document section. If the section heading is preceded by two dashes (--) it
becomes a section reference and a new section is not started. The toc
parameter specifies whether a document table of contents is generated (not
to be confused with a report table of contents). The page number is the
starting page number for the doc when processed as a stand alone document.
The init command specifies the name of the configuration file which is read
from the rivt-doc folder. Report formatting can be easily modified by
specifying a different init file.
||init | rivt01.ini
The text command inserts text from an external file. Text files may be
plain text or include rivt tags.
||text | private/text/proj.txt | plain
The append command attaches PDF files to the end of the doc.
|| append | append/report1.pdf
|| append | append/report2.pdf
rv.I("""The Insert method | default
The Insert method formats static information e.g. images and text. The
color command specifies a background color for the section.
The text command inserts and formats text from external files into the
rivt file. Text files may be plain text or text with rivt tags.
||text | data0101/describe.txt | rivt
The table command inserts and formats tabular data from csv or xls files.
The _[t] tag formats and autonumbers table titles.
A table title _[t]
|| table | data0101/file.csv | 60,r
The image command inserts and formats image data from png or jpg files.
The _[f] tag formats and autonumbers figures.
A figure caption _[f]
|| image | data0101/f1.png | 50
Two images may be placed side by side as follows:
The first figure caption _[f]
The second figure caption _[f]
|| image | private/image/f2.png, private/image/f3.png | 45,35
The tags _[x] and _[s] format LaTeX and sympy equations:
\gamma = \frac{5}{x+y} + 3 _[x]
x = 32 + (y/2) _[s]
rv.V("""The Values method | sub; nosub
The Values method assigns values to variables and evaluates equations. The
sub; nosub setting specifies whether the equations are printed a second
time with substituted numerical values.
A table tag provides a table title and number.
The equal tag declares a value. A sequence of declared values terminated
with a blank line are formatted as a table.
Example of assignment list _[t]
f1 = 10.1 * LBF | N | a force
d1 = 12.1 * IN | CM | a length
An equation tag provides an equation description and number. A colon-equal
tag assigns a value and specifies the result units and printed output
decimal places in the result and equation.
Example equation - Area of circle _[e]
a1 := 3.14(d1/2)^2 | IN^2, CM^2 | 1,2
|| declare | data0102/values0102.csv
The declare command imports values from a csv file written by rivt when
processing assigned and declared values from another doc in the same
rivt is a lightweight markup language for writing, organizing and sharing engineering documents and reports. It is designed to be legible, flexible and efficient. rivt is also the name of an open source framework used for producing rivt documents.
rivtlib is a Python library that processes rivt files and is distributed under the open source MIT license. It runs on platforms that support Python 3.11 or later and works within a framework of five established, open souce technologies:
Language: Python with open source libraries including rivtlib
IDE: VSCode and extensions
Typesetting: Latex TexLive Distribution
Diagrams: QCAD
Version control: GitHub
The rivt framework can be downloaded as a portable Windows zip file or installed through OS specific shell scripts (https://rivtcode.net). It is also available as an online service at https://rivtonline.net.
A rivt document (doc) is a text, HTML or PDF ouput file from a processed rivt file. A rivt report (report) is an organized collection of rivt docs. rivtlib organizes and generates both large reports and single file docs.
A rivt file is a Python file that imports rivtlib and its 6 API functions:
import rivtlib.rivtapi as rv # where rS is a triple quoted Python rivt-string
rv.R(rS) - (Run) Run shell scripts rv.I(rS) - (Insert) Insert static text, images, tables and math equations rv.V(rS) - (Values) Evaluate tables, values and equations rv.T(rS) - (Tools) Execute Python functions rv.X(rS) - (eXclude) Skip rivt-string processing rv.W(rS) - (Write) Write formatted rivt documents
The 6 API functions implement:
wrapper for reStructuredText markup (see https://quickrestructuredtext.com)
a folder and file structure
commands and tags for processing files and formatting output
rivt commands and tags are summarized below. See the user manual at https://rivtdocs.net for futher details.
Commands: file processing#
rivt commands process files e.g. image, equations, tables etc. They start with a single or double bar (| or ||) and have the form:
(–) label or title (tag) | /relative/path/file.typ(:start-end) | params
where options are shown in parenthesis and parameters depend on the file type. A leading double bar (||) optionally inserts the referenced file lines into the input for legiblity and checking.
Command are shown below in the context of an API function. Within VSCode an API function or sequence of functions may be run interactively using the standard cell decorator # %%. Interactive output is formatted as utf-8 text, as is output to stdout when a rivt file is run from a terminal.
Command Overview#
rv.R("""run function label | pass;redact | color;none
The Run function processes shell commands.
| run |
| capture |
| edit |
rv.I("""Insert Function Label | pass;redact | color;none
The Insert function formats static file objects including equations,
images, tables and text.
| append label | /append/path/.pdf | number; nonumber
| equation label (_[s,l]) | /text/path/.tex;txt(:start-end) | bold; plain
| image label (_[i]) | /image/path/.jpg;.png;.svg | size, color
| table title (_[t]) | /tables/path/.csv;.xls (:start-end) | width, align
| text label | /text/path/.txt(:start-end) | plain; rivt
rv.V("""Values Function Label | pass;redact | color;none
The Values function evaluates lookup tables, variables and equations from files.
| image label (_[i])| /image/path/.jpg;.png;.svg | size, color
| table title (_[t])| /tables/path/.csv;.xls (:start-end) | [cols]
| value label (_[v])| /values/path/.csv(:start-end) |
| equation label (_[e]) | /values/path/.txt(:start-end) | ref; noref
rv.T("""Tools function label | pass;redact | color;none
The Tools function imports and evaluates functions.
| function label (_[f]) | /scripts/path/.py | function name; file
rv.X(""" | |
The X function prevents evaluation of the function. Any API function may be
changed to X for flow control, testing, debugging and comments.
rv.W("""Write function label | pass;redact | color;none
The Write function generates a formatted doc file from a rivt file as text,
HTML and PDF. It generates reports based on config file settings as
| output
| files
Folders: document organization#
rivt implements a file and folder structure to simplify file sharing and control. The privacy level of document inputs and outputs may be may be set at the file or API function level. Each rivt file (and doc) is idenfiifed by a unique rivt file prefix with the form rivddss-filename where dd is a two digit division number and ss is a two digit subdivision number e.g., riv0203-loads.py is the third subdivision of division two. Editing the rivt number also changes the report organization.
Report and document headings are taken from folder and file names unless overridden in the config file. An example folder structure is shown below. Required file names or prefixes are shown in [ ].
Source files for rivt docs are stored in 6 folders:
- append
- images
- scripts
- tables
- text
- values
Output is written to the write folder with 4 sub-folders:
- html
- pdf
- text
- temp
- xrivt
Doc files are the text, PDF or HTML output of a rivt file that are stored in the write folder. rivt reports are collections of docs specified in the config.ini. Resource files are stored in user-defined sub-folders which organize the data allow for separation of public and private data.
├── [append]/
├── app01/
└── app02/
├── attach3.pdf
└── attach4.pdf
├── [images]/
├── img01/
└── img02/
├── image3.jpg
└── image4.jpg
├── [scripts]/
├── py01/
└── py02/
├── function3.py
└── function4.py
├── run01/
└── run02/
├── script3.bat
└── script4.sh
├── [tables]/
├── tbl01/
└── tbl02/
├── table3.csv
└── table4.csv
├── [text]/
├── tex01/
├── tex02/
├── latex3.tex
└── latex4.tex
├── txt01/
└── txt02/
├── text3.txt
└── text4.txt
├── [values]/
├── dat01/
├── dat02/
├── table3.csv
└── table4.csv
├── equ01/
├── equ02/
├── equation1.txt
└── equation2.txt
├── val01/
└── val02/
├── values3.csv
└── values4.csv
├── [write]/ (output files)
├── [html]/
└── riv0101-codes.html (html files)
Project-Name.html (html report)
├── [pdf]/
└── riv0101-codes.pdf (pdf files)
Project-Name.pdf (pdf report)
├── [temp]/ (temp files)
└── temp-files.tex
└── [text]/
└── riv0101-codes.txt (text output)
└── [xrivt-redacted]/
└── README.txt (redacted report)
xriv0101-codes.py (redacted files)
└── config.ini (rivt config file)
README.txt (searchable report in public repo)
riv0000-report.py (rivt input files)
Example rivt file#
API functions start in column one. rivt-strings are indented four spaces (for legibility and code folding).A rivt doc is assembled by each function in order of the input order. Each function also, optionally, defines a doc section.
import rivtlib.rivtapi as rv
rv.R("""Run function | pass; redact | nocolor; color code
The Run function processes shell commands.
Each API function defines a new document section. The first line is a
heading line which includes the section heading, a parameter for redacting
sections in a mirror file intended for public sharing, and a parameter for
the background color for the section. If the section heading is preceded by
two dashes (--) the section is continued from the prior section without
introducting a new number.
File formatting follows pep8 and ruff. API functions start in column one.
All other lines are indented 4 spaces to facilitate section folding,
bookmarks and legibility.
rv.I("""Insert function | pass; redact | nocolor
The Insert function formats static objects including images, tables,
equations and text.
||text | data01/describe.txt | rivt
The table command inserts and formats tabular data from csv or xls files.
The _[t] tag formats and autonumbers table titles.
A table title _[t]
|| table | data/file.csv | 60,r
The image command inserts and formats image data from png or jpg files. The
_[f] tag formats and autonumbers figures.
A figure caption _[f]
|| image | data/f1.png | 50
Two images may be placed side by side as follows:
The first figure caption _[f]
The second figure caption _[f]
|| image | private/image/f2.png, private/image/f3.png | 45,35
The tags _[x] and _[s] format LaTeX and sympy equations:
\gamma = \frac{5}{x+y} + 3 _[x]
x = 32 + (y/2) _[s]
rv.V("""Values function | pass; redact | nocolor
The Values fucntion evaluates variables and equations.
The equal tag declares a value. A sequence of declared values terminated
with a blank line is formatted as a table.
Example of assignment list _[t]
f1 = 10.1 * LBF |LBF, N| a force value
d1 = 12.1 * IN |IN, CM| a length value
An equation tag provides an equation description and number. A colon-equal
tag assigns a value and specifies the result units and the output decimal
places printed in the result and equation.
Example equation - Area of circle _[e]
a1 := 3.14(d1/2)^2 | IN^2, CM^2 | 1,2
|| declare | data01/values02.csv
The declare command imports values from the csv file written by rivt when
processing values in other documents.
rv.T("""Tools function | pass; redact | nocolor
The Tools function processes Python code.
rv.X("""Any text
Changing a function to X skips evaluation of that function. Its purposes
include review commenting and debugging.
rv.W("""Write function | pass; redact | nocolor
The Write function generates docs and reports.
| docs |
| report |
VSCode profile#
Snippets/Keys |
description |
run |
API Run function |
ins |
API Insert function |
val |
API Values function |
too |
API Tools function |
wri |
API Write function |
alt+q |
rewrap paragraph with hard line feeds (80 default) |
alt+p |
open file under cursor |
alt+. |
select correct spelling under cursor |
alt+8 |
insert date |
alt+9 |
insert time |
ctl+1 |
focus on first editor |
ctl+2 |
focus on next editor |
ctl+3 |
focus on previous editor |
ctl+8 |
focus on explorer pane |
ctl+9 |
focus on github pane |
ctl+alt+x |
reload window |
ctl+alt+[ |
reload window |
ctl+alt+] |
unfold all code |
ctl+alt+u |
unfold all code |
ctl+alt+f |
fold code level 2 (rivt sections visible) |
ctl+alt+a |
fold code - all levels |
ctl+alt+t |
toggle local fold |
ctl+alt+e |
toggle explorer sort order |
ctl+alt+s |
toggle spell check |
ctl+alt+g |
next editor group |
ctl+shift+u |
open URL under cursor in browser |
ctl+shift+s |
open GitHub README search for rivt |
ctl+shift+a |
commit all |
ctl+shift+z |
commit the current editor |
ctl+shift+x |
post to remote |
Extensions |
description |
. |
tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle |
format button |
gsppvo.vscode-commandbar |
command buttons |
AdamAnand.adamstool |
command buttons |
nanlei.save-all |
save all button |
Ho-Wan.setting-toggle |
toggle settings |
yasukotelin.toggle-panel |
toggle panel |
fabiospampinato.vscode-commands |
user command buttons |
jerrygoyal.shortcut-menu-bar |
menu bar |
. |
henryclayton.context-menu-toggle-comments |
toggle comments |
TroelsDamgaard.reflow-paragraph |
wrap paragraph |
streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker |
spell check |
jmviz.quote-list |
quote elements in a list |
njpwerner.autodocstring |
insert doc string |
oijaz.unicode-latex |
unicode symbols from latex |
jsynowiec.vscode-insertdatestring |
insert date string |
janisdd.vscode-edit-csv |
csv editor |
. |
GrapeCity.gc-excelviewer |
excel viewer |
SimonSiefke.svg-preview |
svg viewer |
tomoki1207.pdf |
pdf viewer |
RandomFractalsInc.vscode-data-preview |
data viewing tools |
Fr43nk.seito-openfile |
open file from path |
vikyd.vscode-fold-level |
line folding tool |
file-icons.file-icons |
icon library |
tintinweb.vscode-inline-bookmarks |
inline bookmarks |
. |
alefragnani.project-manager |
folder, project management |
Anjali.clipboard-history |
clipboard history |
dionmunk.vscode-notes |
notepad |
hbenl.vscode-test-explorer |
test explorer |
mightycoco.fsdeploy |
save file to second location |
lyzerk.linecounter |
count lines in files |
sandcastle.vscode-open |
open files in default app |
zjffun.snippetsmanager |
snippet manager |
spmeesseman.vscode-taskexplorer |
task explorer |
. |
GitHub.codespaces |
run files in codespaces |
GitHub.remotehub |
run remote files |
ettoreciprian.vscode-websearch |
search github within VSCode |
donjayamanne.githistory |
git history |
MichaelCurrin.auto-commit-msg |
git auto commit message |
github.vscode-github-actions |
github actions |
GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github |
github pull request |
k9982874.github-gist-explorer |
gist explorer |
vsls-contrib.gistfs |
gist tools |
. |
ms-python.autopep8 |
python pep8 formatting |
ms-python.isort |
python sort imports |
donjayamanne.python-environment-manager |
python library list |
ms-python.python |
python tools |
ms-python.vscode-pylance |
python language server |
ms-toolsai.jupyter |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags |
jupyter tools |
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow |
jupyter tools |
. |
qwtel.sqlite-viewer |
sqlite tools |
RDebugger.r-debugger |
R tools |
REditorSupport.r |
R tools |
ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl |
windows linux tools |
James-Yu.latex-workshop |
latex tools |
lextudio.restructuredtext |
restructured text tools |
trond-snekvik.simple-rst |
restructured syntax |
yzane.markdown-pdf |
markdown to pdf |
yzhang.markdown-all-in-one |
markdown tools |