# Definitions
## rivt
### text
#### doc
the output file (document) after processing a rivt file
#### division
open source markdown language for writing, organizing and sharing engineering documents
#### report
open source markdown language for writing, organizing and sharing engineering documents asdfasf sdflkjsadf sd fsaedlfk fsadlf sa
#### section
open source markdown language for writing, organizing and sharing engineering documents
open source markdown language for writing, organizing and sharing engineering documents
open source editing and publishing framework for rivtlib Python library for processing xxxxxxxxxxx asefasfda sadlfkas fsaf sadlkfjs dfsldj sdflkjsd fsf sadlkmjs dfasdflkjsa asd fa
### rivt-private
folders containing private files not uploaded when sharing templates
### rivt
open source markdown language for organizing, modifying and publishing
engineering documents
Python library for processing **rivt** files. It outputs formatted documents in
a serveral different formats. The minimum software needed to write rivt
documents is Python 3.8 with Python science libraries.
an editing and publishing framework for rivt using additional open source
programs. **rivt** works with both single file documents and extensive reports
with hundreds of files.
## Python
a [name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namespace) that provides a scope for
functions, variables, etc. Namespaces are used to organize code into logical
groups and to prevent name collisions that can occur especially when your
code base includes multiple libraries. In Python, namespaces are defined by
the individual modules.
## GitHub
open source editing and publishing framework for rivtlib Python library
short for repository